Here are some signs of a shorted coil.
1) A bad ohm reading. The coil resistance can be measured with a multi-meter at the fuel injectors plug terminals. Most fuel injectors should measure between 12.5 and 16.5 ohms. However, there are some injectors reffered to as "peak and hold" that should have a reading of 2.0-3.5 ohms these injectors are common on turbo charged applications. All Throttle body injectors "TBI" should have a reading of 1.8-2.5 ohms. Your vehicles owners manual should give you the peramiters of the injector resistance.
2) A shorted fuel injector coil will begin with symptoms of poor idle, lack of power and end with drivability issues. These symptoms are caused by the coil not responding to the electricity being applied to the injector. Basically what is happening is that the injector is becomming "lazy" not spraying fuel at the right time or completly closing at the right time.
When the coil fails the fuel injector must be replaced with a new or reconditioned unit.
1) A bad ohm reading. The coil resistance can be measured with a multi-meter at the fuel injectors plug terminals. Most fuel injectors should measure between 12.5 and 16.5 ohms. However, there are some injectors reffered to as "peak and hold" that should have a reading of 2.0-3.5 ohms these injectors are common on turbo charged applications. All Throttle body injectors "TBI" should have a reading of 1.8-2.5 ohms. Your vehicles owners manual should give you the peramiters of the injector resistance.
2) A shorted fuel injector coil will begin with symptoms of poor idle, lack of power and end with drivability issues. These symptoms are caused by the coil not responding to the electricity being applied to the injector. Basically what is happening is that the injector is becomming "lazy" not spraying fuel at the right time or completly closing at the right time.
When the coil fails the fuel injector must be replaced with a new or reconditioned unit.